The Birmingham Assay Office are proud to support the expo and the team are currently hard at work preparing for it. [caption id="attachment_5171" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Do not miss out - All Birmingham Made Me Events are FREE, and allow you free entry into Thinktank on the day you attend a Birmingham Made Me event. Click on the link to view the seminars and book your free place.
We are looking forward to the British Jewellers' Association Members Day and AGM at the Goldsmiths' Centre London on 20th May. The Members Day will give members and Industry individuals who work closely with the BJA the opportunity to briefly discuss topics covered by the Association during 2012/2013. In keeping with the Associationâs push to embrace education and training opportunities, Peter Taylor Director of The Goldsmiths Centre will talk about developments at the National Sk…
Looking forward to visiting the Museums & Heritage Show at Olympia tomorrow. Hope to attend some interesting and thought provoking seminars and to see some innovative ideas to help bring history and heritage to life and make it more relevant and meaningful to today's audience.
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