Dippal Manchanda, Director of AnchorCert Analytical and Chief Assayer at the Birmingham Assay Office, will be presenting his latest paper, ‘Energy Dispersive XRF as an alternative reference technique for the quality control of jewellery & precious metal products’, at the 16th India International Gold Convention in Amritsar on Saturday 3rd August. The three-day event seeks to bring together experts from across the world to explore strategies on how to sustain gold as an asset cl…
AnchorCert Protect, the consumer facing brand for AnchorCert Analytical’s pioneering testing methodology ‘AnchorCert Pro’, has joined forces with Chlobo to ensure their jewellery is safe for the skin and highly unlikely to cause metal-induced allergic contact dermatitis (MACD).
AnchorCert Academy, a division of the AnchorCert Group situated in the Birmingham Assay Office, have announced the launch of their latest in-house training course focusing on preparing businesses for the implementation of the new stringent requirements of ISO IEC 17025:2017.
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