Palladium has proved popular from the start, with 40,000 pieces hallmarked in the UK in the first six months. This is in stark contrast to platinum, which saw less than 100 units per year being hallmarked from 1975 to 1984. Total palladium hallmarking units in 2011 hit 106,000 units, and volumes have remained buoyant in 2012 with...CONTINUE READING To read more about WORKING WITH PALLADIUM and to find out how Palladium faired in 2012 make sure to visit our meet the experts page o…
Our team will also be roaming the fashion halls so we look forward to meeting many of our customers and exploring the huge range of products which will be on display.
CHEMICAL TESTING FORM Click on the image below and fill in the Chemical Testing form if you require any of the following tests: Colourfastness, Formaldehyde, Azo Dye, Phthalates, PCP, Dimethyl Fumarate, PH, Fibre Composition, Leather Verification, Chromium VI or Organotins Testing. MELT & ASSAY SUBMISSION FORM Click on the image below and fill in melt & assay submission form if you require your scrap melted down or your item assayed to see its content. …
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