Assay Office Birmingham has another course coming up on Tuesday 26th August, this time it's our ever popular Understanding Watches session delivered by watch industry expert Peter Tales MBHI.
This hands-on course is intended for retail staff or enthusiasts who already have some experience around watches. The one day course will provide an in-depth understanding of the technical aspects and benefits of different types of watches whilst helping to improve self-confidence in selling or assessing a watch.
The course gives each delegate a chance to handle and study watches closely, and disassemble items using standard basic tools. It will teach basic practical skills, which will enable delegates to diagnose possible faults and carry out maintenance repairs.
The course also allows attendees to see behind the scenes action of the Hallmarking operation which is not open to the general public and to view the historic surroundings of Assay Office Birmingham before we move to our new building next year.
The cost of the course is £195 + VAT. You can download a course guide and booking form by clicking on the following link below;
To book a place on the Understanding Watches course, please call us on 0121 262 1024 or email