We have been pleased to see a steady uplift in the volume of items being submitted for hallmarking which has been consistent for six months now. We very much hope this trend will continue, and want to do whatever we can to help our customers make the most of the more positive climate throughout the industry.
In order to provide our local hallmarking customers with the level of service they require we are extending the hours that the Trade Counter is open on a Friday to allow later collection/dropping off of goods.
From Monday 2
nd June 2014 the Trade Counter will be open from 8.30am to 4.00pm every day from Monday to Friday. This will enable customers to pick up items in the usual way throughout the afternoon on a Friday.
If you are a local Trade customer and have any questions regarding this change please do not hesitate to contact our Hallmarking Opertations Manager Kathy McMillen on 0121 262 1018.