The IJL GREAT DEBATE which took place on Monday 3rd September at the International Jewellery London exhibition was again a great success. The debate was well attended by UK and International Jewellery Industry professionals.
Michael Allchin, CEO and Assay Master of The Birmingham Assay Office introduced the panellists and chaired the Debate. There were moving and at the same time very motivating stories from the main speakers Steve Bennett from The Genuine Gemstone Company and Vanessa Burkitt from the Catherine Jones Foundation.
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Among the points being made was the need to really your do your research. Try to find out what people really want rather than what you think they should need or have. In order to MAKE A DIFFERENCE you need to be in it for the long haul and look at a 10 year commitment at least.
Saying this, it only takes a very little to make a huge impact on peoples lives. Less than £200 can help to train a Nurse. The adage of "don't give a hungry man a fish - give him a fishing rod instead" encapsulates how you can really make a difference.
We will be giving a more in depth account of the Great Debate in a future article. We would love to hear from you if you have any accounts of how you too have been able to Make A Difference or if you know of other people or organisations that are working on projects to improve the lives of those who work in our wonderful industry.