There has been a significant increase in the demand for Home visits with some clients needing to have their entire jewellery, watch and silverware collection re-assessed.
For customers with a substantial collection to be valued this can be a very worthwhile option. It saves the time consuming task of packaging large items to take them to the valuer and offers the luxury of one to one access to the SafeGuard valuer's knowledge and independent expertise for the whole day in the comfort of the clients' own home.
The valuer will give a verbal valuation on the day for all the items that they can; further research may be required afterwards for particularly unusual or complex items. The valuer will capture all the details, including digital photographs and complete their assessment back at the office.
When all their work is complete a full valuation document including photographs will be supplied direct to the client.
For more information and to book a home visit call 0871 423 7922 or email